This World Heart Day, give your heart the attention it needs...

World Heart Day, organized by World Heart foundation is observed on Sept 29 across the globe. With the core message of spreading awareness about cardiovascular diseases and promoting the prevention measures for such diseases, this day is often celebrated with Fun Runs, Sports Events, Health camps, etc. 

The World Heart Day focuses on spreading awareness about the most eminent and major causes of deaths, cardiovascular or heart diseases. This day marks a point every year where with the help of NGOs as well as many Government Organizations the message of keeping a healthy heart is propagated to as many as possible.

The propagation of awareness, ranging from the causes to the prevention measures of major heart diseases makes an impact and promotes healthier lifestyles along with motivating young individuals to take initiatives in this field of study.

World Heart Day plays a significant role in actually making people realize how frequent and major heart diseases are. Heart diseases stand at the top of the table for being the world’s leading cause of death claiming 17.9 million lives each year.

The World Heart Foundation takes this campaign to further unite the people from different countries and different backgrounds. It encourages people and governments to take initiatives for better healthcare and lifestyles. Awareness spread by this event helps formation of new laws on the governmental levels along with healthier diets on a personal level. 

The WHF often uses the lines “It’s about saying to yourself, the people you care about and individuals all around the world, what can I do right now to look after MY HEART… and YOUR HEART?”

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